Find out for yourself today what tomorrow holds for you.
Astrological and Clairvoyant Sessions:
These sessions are available by phone, in person and through Skype. Sessions are recorded for you and sent to your email for you to save to your hard drive within the month. Failure to upload and save is $20 resending fee if the file is still available.
Fifteen and twenty minute sessions are available by phone and Skype only. Covers whatever questions you have in that time frame.
15 minute session - Astrology and Clairvoyance
20 minute session - Astrology and Clairvoyance
30 minute and hour session are available by phone and in person
30 minutes - Mediumship and Astrological Charts available.
What is Mediumship?
Mediumship is connecting and relaying messages from your loved ones and spirit guides. In these sessions I hold your hand in the beginning and your questions folded up on my forehead to tune in. My eyes are closed and the doorway opens after I say the Lord’s Prayer out loud to the spirit world. Come with an open mind and have questions written down before you come in. Be prepared list questions and names of those you wish to contact. You can write them in Chinese or Japanese I do not look at your questions.
Mediumship sessions to connect with loved ones are available in person only need to hold your hand for better connection.
One-Hour Sessions:
Most in-depth session of your life. Mediumship and Astrological Charts are done and covers whatever your questions are during that time frame. Past, present and five to ten years ahead in regards to relationships, work, travel, health, family and home.
Business Charts:
What does your business reveal about your success? Marketing strategies you have not considered will be discussed. There are months that are better to advertise than others and your astrological chart reveals when that is.
Lectures, Parties, Seminars and “Stand-up Clairvoyance”
are available pricing varies according to dates and locations.
Please call to discuss with me directly.